Monday, December 24, 2007

Mac OS X Forum :: RE: Slow transfering speed on Leopard operatiing system

Mac OS X Forum :: RE: Slow transfering speed on Leopard operatiing system
Apple is aware of the issue and it supposedly will be fixed in the next point release 10.5.2. I rolled back to Tiger on my MacBook because of all the issues in Leopard. My wireless wouldn't work, slow transfer speeds, kernel panics, etc... I even had done a clean install and not just an upgrade. Not happy with Leopard right now, but I guess it's to be expected. I don't think any operating system vendor has had a good release right out the door in a few year's now. Microsoft had issues with XP and Vista, Apple has had issues with Tiger and Leopard, Ubuntu is having issues... - Read More at This Link..

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